Thursday, January 26, 2017

Weekly Blessings

The last few days have been full of sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures. It's a gift for us southern folk--our winters tend to be very wet, grey and dismal. And while I know the next month will bring routine winter days, I'm giving thanks for that steady stream of light coming through the windows!

Anyway, I've been thinking about all the things I'm thankful for this week, and I may make this a weekly reflection post. We'll see.

1) I'm thankful for a last minute date night. My mom came down to watch the kids for a couple hours so we could go out for dinner. It was just for a couple of hours, but we talked and ate until our tummy's were stuffed. It was perfect, and a much needed time for the two of us. ;)

2) I'm thankful for my morning cup of happy. I've been drinking a homemade peppermint mocha every morning for the last two months. And it makes getting up early worth it.

3) New scentsy wax melts! Actually, I bought them last fall, but just now got around to using them. It's called Bonfire Beach and makes the house smell extra homey. Josh also got me a new candle that I'm dying to burn!

4) New kitchen cleaner. I bought a new lemon scented kitchen spray bottle. It's smells so good, and the packaging is beautiful. I'm a bit nerdy like that. ;)

5) Getting a package delivered to my front door. It's a remake of a vintage alphabet poster. I plan on putting it in the girls school room for next year. Yes, I'm a head of the game. But, I've always been like that. ;)


  1. Hi, Heather,

    What a sweet blog you have and those baby girls are too adorable. Thanks for stopping by my place the other day and leaving a note that let me know you'd been there.

    Have a blessed week!


  2. I love your grateful - such a perfect way to make sure to have a good week. ;) I love our similarities...need for sunshine, scentsy good smellies, good candles, peppermint mocha creamer - I could go on. ;)

    But I especially love the precious photos and glimpse into your days and your lovely Girls. Blessings dear Friend. xoxo

  3. Your beautiful girls have gotten so big!
    Such a great thankful list - I especially love the new kitchen cleanser. Isn't it amazing how much more pleasant it is to clean when your all-purpose spray smells pleasant?
    The vintage alphabet poster sounds adorable!

  4. Love this. It's the simple things. : )


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 I have officially moved my blog.... Hope you join me there!! ~Heather

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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!