Friday, February 26, 2021

Our Haven, Our Home

For the last few months, I've made a conscious effort to keep my news intake to a bare minimum. 

I realized that it was effecting my moods and overall outlook. It was stark reminder to me that our home should always be our haven. A safe place from a noisy world.

When it comes to homemaking, we all have our ways of managing and maintaining. I love my role as a homemaker and whenever I start to feel the weight of the world, I find myself circling back to the basics. Working on my routine and finding simple ways to make our house a haven. I have messy, dazed days. But, I'm working hard to make that an exception, not the norm.

I want our kids to look back on these days with fond memories. What things to do they like? What little things bring them joy?? What makes my husband feel at peace after a long day of work?

So, I make hot chocolate and cookies. I light lamps and buy bouquets of flowers. I find new recipes to try. I pile up books and blankets for read aloud time. I set up a diffuser and reset our house every morning. I take time to read and exercise to make sure I don't burn out. And then I pray and pray some more. 

What ways do you work to make your home a haven?

Thursday, February 25, 2021



We started February off with an ice storm then back to back snowstorms. We haven’t had snow in YEARS in our area, so it was a rare treat. The girls were thrilled to pieces and probably would have spent every single minute outside if we’d let them. 😉

Most days were filled with movies, cocoa, books and homeschooling. Josh even got to stay home for most of it! 

But, now, I’m ready for spring. 💙

Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


I'm linking up with Happy Homemaker hosted by Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, today!

The Weather
It has been very cold and windy! 

Right now I am...

Thinking about tidying up after dinner then curling up with a good book. :)


All about homeschooling. We are finally back into the swing of things with a few new books and rhythms to add to our day. I love watching the girls learn and grow up together. It's the sweetest.

On my TV...
Still watching Everybody Loves Raymond. Occasionally, we catch an old Walker Texas Ranger. I LOVED that show as a teenager. I remember my grandma watching it, too.

What I'm Reading... 
The Dearly Beloved. It is a very unique style of writing so far. Enjoying it!

On the menu for this week...

Taco Soup
Butter Chicken & Rice
Chicken Enchiladas
Breakfast Sandwiches
Take Out 

On my to do list...
I've been sorting and pricing items for a local consignment sale. I do this every year and always get a nice check back.

One of my simple pleasures...
Reading and drinking a hot cocoa float! Have you had one? Oh they are DEVINE.

Happy February first, friends!! :)

My Blog Has Moved....

 I have officially moved my blog.... Hope you join me there!! ~Heather

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!