Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hello December

The tree is up...with ornaments on only half the tree. A little toddler I know likes to take them off. We switched to plastic ornaments. ;) I wanted to add a few new designs around the house, but needed to do so on a budget. The last few weeks I scored several items that I wanted for a fraction of the price (thank you thrift stores!!). We have had so much fun watching "Christmas" through the eyes of Evie. She gets so excited when she sees Christmas lights. She dances to Christmas music, and we've kept the Little People Nativity out for her to play with. I realize she is still so very young to understand the remarkable beauty of the season, but I believe we are planting seeds.

Today, we made gingerbread men. Well, when I say "we" I mean mostly me, but I let Evie help stir, and to hold the kitchen spoons. It was a good lesson in patience for myself. Ha! But, I cherish these every day moments with her. 

Besides the year we were engaged (in December), I think this year is turning out to be the most memorable yet. I love this season of life with a little one. And to think next year there will be two little munchkins. 


  1. Yes...there is nothing like recapturing that Christmas Magic through the eyes of a child.
    It is wonderful. : )

  2. AW, this is so cute, Heather. Love the picture. Our tree is up with its lights strung on, but no ornaments yet. Guess I'd best get to that! :)


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!