Wednesday, December 9, 2015

32 Weeks Bump Update

The last few weeks, I've been savoring the time I have with just Evie & I. While I am very excited for baby sister to be here, there is also that bittersweet note on my heart that things will soon change. I think part of it is that Evie has changed so much these last few weeks. I'm seeing less, and less of a toddler and more of a little girl. She's learning to communicate better, and she has been very snuggly lately (rare...she is a very typical independent first born! ha). 

I've noticed that she will often stare at my belly, and then will walk up and pat it lightly. When she does that, I always tell her (excitedly) that she will be a big sister soon, and how a baby will soon live in this house. Honestly, I have NO IDEA if she really understands. Yet, at the same time, I think she understands that something is changing.

On Monday, I had a scare with really regular/strong contractions. They lasted for hours, and got rather painful. Finally, sometime before midnight they stopped completely. I still felt very anxious the next morning, and was thankful I already had a scheduled doctors appointment. Good news, is that I'm not in pre - term labor, and baby is just sitting very, very low. You see,  with Evie, I didn't feel contractions until I was already a 6, and being admitted to the hospital. So the fact that I felt any just scared me to death. 

It's also motived me to stock our freezer, finish a few little projects for the nursery, and stock up on a few random baby supplies that we will need. So, I'm off to finish tackling my to do lists! 


  1. First off, you look beautiful and that is the most adorable bump!!!
    What is it about those firstborns? Mine is so independent too! Enjoy that special time with her!
    My prayers go out to you for a safe delivery whenever she decides to make her appearance.

  2. You look so beautiful! What a blessed and exciting time Heather. Sending prayers for all to go smoothly when the time comes. Enjoy every precious minute with that sweet Girl of yours. So fun to imagine your special days ahead as a family. Blessings to you! xoxo


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!