Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday Vol. 10

{weather outside:}

Chilly & Bright!

{around my home:}

The house smells like yeast, and I've sat our my ingredients to start homemade bread this morning. Evie is watching Curious George, and I'm catching up on social media. ;)

{menu this week:}

Monday: Pork Chops, Homemade Bread, Salad
Tuesday: Chicken Orzo Soup
Wednesday: BBQ Chicken, Salad & Mashed Potatoes
Thursday: Coca Cola Chili & Sides 
Friday: Breakfast For Dinner
Saturday: Frozen Pizza :D

{to-do today:}

~Make Bread
~Clean Out Toys
~Speed Clean
~Write Thank You Notes

{On the TV Today}

Christmas Movies
Gilmore Girls

{making me happy:}

My family. Christmas traditions. A quiet week at home.

{thankful for:}

Salvation through Jesus Christ.


  1. Ohhh gingerbread cookies! I bet your house smells awesome. Also, I love me some Frasier as well. My favorite episode is the one where they try to put the crane on his couch and it injures him ;)

  2. This sounds lovely!
    It takes me back to when I had just my little Madison and we did the same things. : )
    Have a cozy evening, my friend!

  3. Your description of your home sounds so perfectly cozy.
    Curious George is one of the few shows I allow my boys to watch - it's so innocent plus I even find it entertaining!
    I love the photo.
    Hope all your baked goods turned out delicious!

  4. Your gingerbread looks so yummy! Your menu sounds tasty too - I'm intrigued by cocoa cola chili? Sounds very interesting. ;)

    Blessings on the rest of your week! xoxo

  5. Fun! And yay for breakfast at dinner - we enjoy having that now and again.

    Three cheers for Gilmore Girls and of course, Christmas movies too! :D


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 I have officially moved my blog.... Hope you join me there!! ~Heather

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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!