Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday Vol. 19

The weather...
It's sunny and warm! 

Right now I am...
Taking a few minutes to blog, and find inspiration on Pinterest. It helps break up my morning routine to have a few minutes of "fun". ;)

How blessed we are as a family. God has provided for us a million times over, and with every single answered prayer, I am reminded of His faithfulness. Anwered prayer doesn't always mean I get the answer I want, but that we get the answer He has for us...which is always better. 

On my TV...
The Good Witch


What I'm Reading... 
Where Trust Lies by Janette Oke

So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore
Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner
For the Childrens Sake

On the menu for this week...
Chicken & Green Bean Crock Pot Dish
Loaded Black Bean Nachos (I make mine with Wasa crackers for a lighter version, while the rest eat it with chips)
Southern Skillet Stir Fry (Usually chiken, okra, squash, peppers, onions with a dash of spicy seasonings)
Breakfast for Dinner 
Chicken, Broccoli & Cheesey Cauliflour Casserole

On my to do list...
2 Loads Laundry & fold clothes
Speed Clean
Update Work Stuff 
Prep Dinner

Looking forward to this week...
A quiet week of housework, maybe some time outside in the evening when it's a bit cooler (if that is even possible during summer...hahaha)

Linking Up with Diary of A Stay at Home Mom


  1. Hi Heather!
    What a precious photo. : )
    We love outside time in the evenings here as well.
    And breakfast for dinner? A favorite!
    Have a cozy week. : )

  2. What a sweet photo. ;)

    Your menu sounds delish. I love those wasa crackers too! Often a favorite lunch is just some mild cheese slices and pear on top.

    HOpe you have a wonderful week ahead! xoxo

  3. I love Janette Oke! She is one of my favorites. Do you have a recipe for the chicken and green bean Crockpot dish? Sounds really good!


  4. Yum your Southern Skillet Fry sounds delicious. Love the pic you put above, so cute :)

  5. What a precious photo! Is that your front porch? It looks like exactly what I picture a "southern front porch" to look like! And your husband and daughter - too sweet!
    LOVE what you said about answered prayer. Such an insightful reminder!
    Have a great week!


My Blog Has Moved....

 I have officially moved my blog.... Hope you join me there!! ~Heather

About Me

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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!