Friday, November 10, 2017

First Show

We took the girls to see PJ Masks live this week. Evie Grace was beside herself. She kept saying "I'm so excited" as we drove the half hour trip. We offered to stop and get her french fries (Ella was asleep) before the show began, and she declined. She just wanted to see the PJ Masks show!

One we got there, both girls were mesmerized. For one and half hours, they were glued to the show! I was impressed with how well they handled sitting for that long. I honestly didn't know what to expect.

Ella would yell out for her favorite character, "Green!! Gecko!!" She was all about it. Also, she sat on Josh's shoulders for nearly the entire show. There were no seats behind us, so that worked out nicely. ;)

Evie Grace asked if we could go see it again, I explained to  her it was late, and they all needed their sleep. She fell fast asleep in the car and slept even as we transferred her to bed once we got home. I think all that excitement plumb wore her out.

So thankful for the sweet memories we are creating!


  1. Ohh!
    Soooo fun!!!
    And I LOVE the photo of you with your girls!!!!
    Have a cozy weekend. : )

  2. So many sweet memories; I'm sure they're all the sweeter when you see the excitement and know they enjoyed the show. :)

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  4. This is so sweet and brings back such memories of when my kiddos were little. I have a memory of taking Annie to see a princess show a her turning to me once it started and looked at me with big eyes and said, "Mama this is the best day of my life!" These kinds of memories truly are the most special. ;) xoxo


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!