Thursday, March 26, 2015


I had no idea how much motherhood would change me.

I had no idea how much becoming a wife would change me.

You think you know who you are until your heart swells so big with love that you become a newer, better version of yourself. You learn to simply be content with the day to day life. Everything doesn't have to be a roller coaster ride or giant party. Sometimes, folding laundry and kissing boo boo's is just enough. Absolutely enough.

These little every day things for me? Have become magic. Extraoridinary in the most ordinary way. I think after having Evelynn, I realized that God has given me that very thing my heart had so long for. I just didn't know it some six, seven, years ago. My nomand tendicies, while still aching to travel, has fallen head over heals for the tiny house and tiny family that we have come to call home.

I'll be eternally grateful for His provision, and for knowing me better than I think I do.

Link Party: Wednesday Around The World

1 comment:

  1. Motherhood is so amazing and such a journey- so glad you linked up to Tuesday Talk!


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!