Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Schoolroom Chat

Yesterday, per state requirements, I officially enrolled Evie for Kindergarten. Ella will be starting her first year of preschool as well! They keep asking for school to start now that they've seen their workbooks! 🙂 Their enthusiasm is contagious and precious.

We re-painted the schoolroom on a whim. I was wanting something fresh and light. I re-arranged the books, and roller cart. The roller cart is where I have decided to keep all of our curriculum and workbooks, etc. It will help me stay organized. While I thoroughly embrace and love Charlotte Mason/Classical style of education (so much truth and goodness), I have very Type A kiddos who will thrive on sweet little workbooks. It's all about balance, right?

I've also been skimming the book lists and recommendations provided by Ambleside Online. I think I am getting just as excited as the girls! We will be adding fairy tales to our reading rotations along with poetry, Bible time, and short biographies. They love being read to, and it amazes me how much they soak up already. Little sponges. ;)

I guess I will introduce the girls to "back to school" shopping this week! They have no idea...and they are going to LOVE it.


  1. I ADORE this!!!!!!
    Your schoolroom is precious, perfect, and cozy!
    These are the best days of your life!
    Please continue to blog them!

  2. I love it.

  3. This schoolroom is so pretty! Have fun school shopping with those two sweet girls of yours :)


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!