Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Prayer Request

When Mimmie passed away, she left behind her husband, my Papaw, of 50+ years. I don't think it had ever occurred to them that they would live life without the other. He is so sad, and so lost without her. He has also been battling an ugly illness for the last couple of years to boot.

We were blessed to spend some time with him this Easter, but his tears during dinner were not lost on me. I've shed a few myself. It's just hard, ya know?

He has always been such a good Papaw, and he sure does love my girls. If you would, please pray for his comfort and peace.


My Blog Has Moved....

 I have officially moved my blog.... Hope you join me there!! ~Heather

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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!