Friday, October 9, 2015

Five For Friday

Oh, TGIF! For some reason, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Nothing big planned, but time with friends & family is always a must on my list.

...Right now, I"m loving my Verismo from Starbucks. We received it as our Christmas gift last year, and it has been such an AWESOME way to save money when it comes to our coffee addictions. My husband claims I'm the only one that's addicted, but we know that's not true. He drinks more than I do on average! Ha. Anyway, we are able to make latte's at home for a fraction of the cost! I usually spend $10 on a box of pods that usually lasts us for about 1 to 2 weeks. I've been "sweetenening" my coffee just a tad with the Cinnamon Brown Sugar or Pumpkin Pie Syrup from Torani's Syrups! They have such amazing flavors, and I just LOVE them.

...I'm also loving the fact I've downloaded a new show to watch on Netflix. Several of my friends told me to give "Call The Midwife" a try. I was a HUGE fan of Parenthood & Hart of Dixie, and had been pinining for another fun show to watch. I've also been watching random documentaries!

...I'm loving this stage that Evie is at. She's is so hilarious! She just chatters all day long, and it's the cutest thing. She learned to say "red" last week, and how to open our drawers. Round two of child proofing has taken place.

...I'm loving that I stayed home a lot more this week. I was able to REALLY deep clean the house. It feels SO good to have that finished for the weekend. Also, I was introduced to Gain's room spray. Um, how did I not know this existed? To say I'm in love with be an unerstatement (I wasn't paid to write this). It just makes our bathrooms and hallways smell so good.

...I've been enoying listening to Carla Bruni. It's the perfect background music for when I'm typing. I love her voice, plus I just enjoy listening to French once in a while. ;-)

Linking UP: Five at Love Made My Home | Five on Friday


  1. Great 5 things you picked :) Call the Midwife is fantastic, you'll love it. I'm not sure if you're into Period Dramas too, but check out my blog, I have a huge list of movies, series and documentaries that you might enjoy :) Have a great weekend!

  2. I love Call the Midwife it is a great show, it is also a good read if you can get the books. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. My husband is absolutely addicted to coffee. I feel like he makes a pot a day and I am lucky if I make it through a cup! For some reason, as much as I love it, I almost never finish my cup.

  4. It sounds as though you have had a really good week with lots of good things happening. You should certainly watch Call the Midwife, it is fantastic, but do make sure that you have a very large box of tissues to hand as you will cry a lot - in a good way! - but it is the best show! Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  5. Call the midwife is fantastic. I have an Evie too, she is 12 though. I am craving a latte and will have to satisfy it in Starbucks tomorrow, you are so lucky to be able to make them at home. Have a lovely weekend xx

  6. Everything sounds perfectly lovely!
    Enjoy the cozy weekend! : )

  7. I adore Call the Midwife. So poignant and sweet. Oh, and Hart of Dixie is fun too! Someday I need to finish it; I think I'm back on season two! :) Happy Friday, Heather - hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.

  8. Hi - just popped over from Amy's blog and have enjoyed having a read. I love Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte but today I made my own which was nice. Joan at

  9. Hi. I'm visiting from Five on Friday. Sounds like you had a fun week. I'm addicted to period drama too; PBS started two new ones this month that I'm watching. Wishing you the best.

  10. Coffee and Call the Midwife! Two winners!
    I get so much more done when I stay home, but I like to be out and about, too.
    I hope you have a weekend FULL of fun friend time and family love!

  11. Oh I would love to have a Verismo! I really prefer a latte over regular coffee but I try to just limit myself to buy one once a week because they're so expensive. I have to convince my husband we need one! Call the Midwife is one of my favorite shows! I love the time period and it is so interesting seeing how they took care of all the women in the area without even using a hospital -- it's also a little scary since I'm 32 weeks pregnant! Have a great weekend!

  12. Lovely Five on Friday! You make a darling family, and I know you are enjoying that little one! Have a great weekend!


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!