Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Daniel Tiger Birthday Party

We celebrated Ella's 2nd birthday over the weekend. She was so excite to eat cake! Both of my girls LOVE cake. But, when it came time to cut the cake and eat, she got super shy and embarrassed.

The cake is from a local bakery. It was a lemon cake with buttercream frosting. AMAZING.

I is SO tempting to go Pinterest crazy for their birthday parties (nothing wrong with that), but I decided on simple. I bought almost all the decor from Walmart (minus the party hat decor) and Amazon, ordered the cake and made punch and cookies. Easy peasy and cute.

Now, the one thing I obsessed about was finding cute Daniel Tiger shirts. Ella adores that show, and that was our theme. But, finding those shirts proved to be a problem! I finally ordered some on Etsy! Etsy is wonderful. ;)

So thankful for our Ella Bug!!


  1. This is amazing! The cake is so cute! You did a great job! Ella looks so happy! ♥

  2. What a sweet party and happy birthday to sweet Ella! ;)

    And if you get a chance pop by my blog post about my blogaversary giveaway so I can enter you to win some goodies as a thank you for being a wonderful blogland Friend. I draw a winner tomorrow! Just FYI

    Blessings on your weekend ahead Heather. xoxo

  3. What an adorable party theme idea! The cake is so cute. I can't believe Ella is two! She looks like a sweet little baby doll though, with her curly hair!

  4. Your party was perfection!!!!!
    I love it all.
    And yay for you...
    The whole Pinterest trap is overrated.
    Your little precious girl's party looked beautiful and fun.
    Happy Birthday to her!

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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!