Tuesday, July 12, 2016

From One to Two

I love being a mom. I still remember that first pregnancy test, and seeing those two little lines. I was filled with excitement, and whole lott of fear. I mean, there is so much to learn as you become a parent. Life changes quickly, and drastically, and suddenly you don't know as much as you once thought you did. Ha!

When Ella (our second) came along, I had visions of the transition going smoothly. And while there were many good days, we had a lot of rough days. Recovery was much longer, and harder the second time around. Evie was having a hard time adjusting. Top that with your regular 'ol hormones, the craziness of life, and I quickly found myself struggling just to get by.

Now, six months in, I'm still struggling, but I've found that things DO get easier. You do find your groove again. It's not always a cake walk, but it certainly is worth it! I thought I would just share a few things that have helped me as I've transitioned into a mother of two under two...

Give Yourself Grace: This is the most important lesson I've had to learn (and one that I'm still learning!). There will be days that the laundry doesn't get done, and yoga pants will have to do. And that's okay! We are usually our harshest critic. So tell yourself it's ok if everything is not perfect or as it used to be. Eventually, you will find a new routine that works.

Take Time For yourself: In a society that glorifies being busy, we often feel guilty for slowing down and taking time for ourselves. I'm learning that a few minutes to read or a hot shower can do wonders for my attitude. Anytime I feel myself getting overwhelmed, I realize that it's just a matter of taking a step back, re-focusing my energy, and having an old-fashioned time out.

Pray Without Ceasing: I realize that this is a given, but it's worth sharing. Prayer has been the number one tool to help me tackle the crazy days of motherhood. Anxiety? I pray about it. Fear? I pray about it. Uncertainty? I pray about it. It's the most powerful tool we have as Christians. And how much more effective will my role as a mother be if I utilize prayer throughout my day?

All in all, life is still slowly transitioning into a new normal as a family of four. It's not always perfect, but it's ours. And it is good.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written, Heather.
    And oh so true.
    I applaud you for your introspection and realization as a new, young mother.
    Your babies...your family... are blessed indeed. : )


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 I have officially moved my blog.... https://thekindredschoolroom.blogspot.com Hope you join me there!! ~Heather

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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!