Monday, May 23, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday Vol. 18

The weather...
It's sunny, and cool this morning. Rain is heading our way soon, so I think we will spend a little time outside this morning. 

Right now I am...
Drinking coffee, listening to a praise & worship dvd that I turned on for the girls.

I've been dealing with more anxiety this time around. I didn't have that with Evie, so it's a new territory. Little things like going to the grocery store or picking them up from the nursery stresses me out. I can't count the amount of times I've ended up in tears because I am so stressed out. It's exhausting to deal with so many emotions. I don't say this to comlain, but to keep it real. Motherhood is not always roses and sunshine. But, I guss that's what makes it all so perfectly imperfect.

On my TV...
We've been watching Everybody Loves Raymond

What I'm Reading... 
I just finisehd reading "Home Is Where My People Are" by Sophie Hudson. It's the second time I've read it, and I just love it.

On the menu for this week...
Black Bean Nachos

Pasta with Meat Sauce
Chicken & Green Bean Crockpot Dish
Breakfast For Dinner
Sausage & Summer Veggie Stir Fry

On my to do list...
Load & Unload Dishwasher
Make Bed
Speed Clean
Edit Photography

Sweep & Swiffer
Clean Bedrooms

Looking forward to this week...
Relaxing at home with Josh & the kiddos

Happy Monday!


  1. They are so precious!

    I hear ya on the anxiety and stress. I think it's totally normal. I've always been anxious but it's increased since having Caleb. Hang in there. :)

  2. As always, adorable pictures! :)

    I'm praying for you! I know just how you feel. Sometimes I even have to tell my husband I really have no idea why I'm crying. Being a mommy is tough work! ;)

  3. Your babies are precious!
    And please know, you are not alone.
    I suffer from anxiety at times as well.
    I applaud you for being open about it.
    We've all been there, my friend.
    I try to offer up a prayer...Something as simple as..." Blessed Mary, please be a mother to me now."
    I also have a wonderful Meditation app called Mindfullness.
    A few minutes a day really helps me feel better.
    Anyway...enjoy your week with your people!

  4. Oh your Girls are so adorable!! ;) Hang in there sweet little Mama. I have dealt with anxiety issues as well, and if you can find the right ways to deal with it for is a livable condition. Plus, you probably still have a lot of those baby hormones going on, which doesn't help. Give yourself time and maybe study up about ways to deal with those feelings. Knowledge is power and that is what helped me find what works for me to deal with it - very similar to what Billie Jo does too.

    Blessings and prayers to you Heather! xoxo

  5. Aw, look at your cute girls. :)

    Hope your week went well, Heather.


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I'm a wife, homeschool mom, and homemaker learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Which may or may not include a good latte, meaningful books, decorating my home, and all things French & Disney related. Thanks for visiting!